An interesting set of comments were left in the Forum section (at the bottom).
Oct 17 2008, 7:05 PMUnknown (guest): After reading the above topics, it is quite clear that the management does not take their members seriously. Especially when they know that its a propriety club and that only the management gets to decide whatever they want.
Oct 17 2008, 7:09 PM Unknown (guest):
I believe that the staff may/may not be entirely responsible for being unclear in informing the members of the changes as ultimately only the boss has the final say and they did as they were told to probably not create a big hoo-haa until the final word frm the boss himself has been said.
Oct 17 2008, 7:16 PM Unknown (guest): Whatever it is, it seems like it's poor handling by the upper management themself and i guess i pity the staff who probably also gets bombarded by all the questions being posed coz they themselves have no say towards anything. Just a thought by the way from an outsider point of view. This matter has definitely made a heated arguement and will not blow over under the upper management give a clearer say or be truthful and not try to give excuses or a politically correct answer to shrug off the members.====
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