From: Amy Cheong
Date: Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 6:22 PM
Subject: RE: Open Letter to GM Herbert Hoeffer RE: $80 Monthly Fee for "Golf" members
Dear Joe,
Thank you for your email to Mr Hofer dated 7 Oct 08. Mr Hofer is currently out of the office and will be back on Monday, 13 Oct 08, so I am replying on his behalf.
The Management is willing to allow members who wish to convert their Golfing Membership to Social Membership, and they will then pay the Social Membership subscription fees when the sub fees are reinstated. As Social Members, they are still welcome at The Legends Golf & Country Resort, and may play golf there at the Member’s Guest rate, which is what the existing Social Members are doing. Please note, however, that this conversion is a one-time process and is irreversible. Should the member wish to transfer his membership at a later stage, it will be as a Social Membership. Also, this conversion must be formalized by the member signing the Membership Conversion Form (which we are currently working on and which would be available from the Membership Department next week) in person.
My response is as follows:
Hi Amy,
This does not answer my queries. This was what you have already told us all verbally on Monday evening. So there is nothing new there.
Can we have confirmation that $80 of our $125 fees are actually going to subsidize the Golf Club and that the Legends Fort Canning is only currently getting $45 from our fee?
Also can you help us reach out to other Golf Members to get a discussion and understanding on the above? As I mentioned, most people do not know that they are Golf Members and are required to pay this fee. This would only be good membership service to let them know before the next bill comes. It is already in the press today that "Because of the closure, members will not have to pay subscription fees from Oct 16 this year to April 1, 2009." The same was said in Mr. Hofer's mail on the 25th of September. This is obviously not the truth.
Good point Joe!
The official letter they sent out to us specifically informed us that member subscription fees will be waived. What untruth they are giving to us now!
Why should I pay for anything if I do not even use the Golfing facility let alone go to the Legends in Malaysia.
And you can see the actual letter here.
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