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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Petition to URA sent

Hi All,

The petition that was signed last week as sent to URA earlier this week. Here is the content for those of you who have not seen it. After the text below, there are two images for you to print out and sign, if you would like to participate. Once signed, please scan and email to me @ goo.nguyen@gmail.com

Petition to the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore
And the Singapore Heritage Society
By the Members of The Legends Fort Canning Park
15th October 2008


On the 25th of September 2008, the Management of The Legends Fort Canning Park sent notices to its members (“Members”) regarding “Member’s Conference on Club Renovation”. This conference was to be held on the 6th of October 2008, and the Management plans to share with the Members “the plans for the Club, new facilities and improvements”.

At the Member’s Conference on the 6th of October 2008, the Members were informed that:

1) The current building, a heritage structure, will be converted to a 82 room boutique hotel with up-market restaurants;

2) Members’ facilities such as gymnasium, lounge, spa, and changing areas will be moved to a new 3-storey glass building to be constructed on top of the current tennis court, and these facilities will be shared with hotel guests;

3) Except for the Ballrooms and Function Rooms, the Club will be completely closed from 16th October 2008 to 1st April 2009 (save for the Café which will remain open until 31 October 2008), and members will have no access to the Club during that period. ;

4) It was also stated that one of the main factors in this decision to change the Club was a result of a survey in which one of the facilities Members wanted the most was guest rooms. Do note that this survey took place 2 years ago and no recent survey on whether Members agree to the proposed renovations was ever undertaken;

5) These plans have the approval of the Urban Redevelopment Authority.


We, the undersigned Members of The Legends Fort Canning Park, hereby declare that this change of use of the current building does NOT have our endorsement or support. We have all paid joining fees and monthly subscription fees to the Club, housed in a historical building, fully furnished and with all its present amenities, historic charm, ambiance and space. We do not want to be moved to a smaller building, and we would like to have continuous use of the current facilities without any interruption due to any renovation.

We respectfully request the Urban Redevelopment Authority to halt the commencement of any renovation that it has permitted or approved until the Members and the Management has worked out an agreement. All work should be put on hold indefinitely until the Management and the Members come to a fair consensus on any changes to the Club. We request that the Club remain open during the entire period from 16th October 2008 to 1st April 2009.


An image of the petition is below along with the page for signing. Please click on each image and then print them out and sign and send back to me. Thanks!

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