We are actively trying to get list of Members so that we can keep everyone updated on various news, discussions and issues. We are also looking at organising our own Members' Conference.

Please click here to leave your details.
And don't forget to let other members know we are here.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Misuse of Ballroom & Other Areas?

For those members who were not on the email list, we were informed by the Urban Redevelopment Authority on Wednesday that the Ballroom is designated for use as a Member's Only area. On the same day, we wrote to the URA with the following:

Dear Mr. Han,

As per our meeting today, we would like to formally report that the Management of the Legends Fort Canning has been misusing the Ballroom facilities.

As you told us today, that Ballroom is supposed to be for member's use only. However Management has ALWAYS used this Ballroom for the public to hold weddings and events. Members do not even know that this was supposed to be for members only. Also even if members want to book this space, they have no preferences over the public and must compete with the public for the space.

Please check into this misuse and also request that they also stop using that facility during the next 6 months when they are planning to shut down the rest of the club.


Members of the Legends Fort Canning

I further quote the Club's own website:

"Park Level Function Rooms - Legends Ballroom / Lavender 1 and 2 / Bridal Rooms

The Grand Ballroom can accommodate a banquet of up to 500 people of 50 tables. These rooms can be booked by members, their guests as well as the public for a wide-range of social and corporate events."

What about the Function Rooms on second floor? Essentia Spa (formerly on the 3rd Floor) - was that also in space that was designated as Member's Only? And the area that was formerly rented out to Savaskool Enrichment on the Ballroom floor next to the Management Office? Member's Only?

Misuses aside, what really annoys me is that we are not treated with respect as partners and members. And there has not been transparency to the membership from the Management and Owners. The message has always been: "It will be done this way. Take it or leave it."

Why do we have to resort to speaking to the URA to find out the truth? It did not have to go down like this.

To the Management and Owner: You have our email addresses, contact numbers, and billing addresses. Would you care (or dare) to hold another Members' Conference? The Ballroom should be available for member's use - unless of course some non-member has already booked the space. They are more importantly than us lowly members, since the Ballroom remains open in the next 6 months while we are in the streets.

Peace. Out.
Joe Nguyen
A Loyal Legends Member in Exile without a Gym, Pool, Lounge ...

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