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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Open Letter to GM Herbert Hoefer RE: $80 Monthly Fee for "Golf" Members

Dear Mr. Hofer,

Thank you and Mr. Oh for holding the members briefing last night. While there were many issues being discussed during the Question & Answer session, one major issue was not brought up clearly. When Amy mentioned that the $80 monthly fee will remain for "Golf" Members, most of us did not understand what that means. Many of us are not aware that WE are "Golf" Members and will have to pay this fee. We thought that the letter sent to us which stated that "There will be no subscription fees at all"* is actually the truth and without any *Terms & Conditions. (*Correction: "From 16 October 2008 to 1 April 2009, member subscription fees will be waived.")

We started to realize this after the Q&A session - as it seems that anyone who is paying the monthly fee of $125 per month is a "Golf" Member of The Legends Fort Canning (TLFC). And there were many of us.

I understand that the number of "Golf" Members - including myself and a number of other members I spoke to last night - are around 500 or so. Of those, I am sure less than 200 have ever golfed at Legends Golf & Country Resort (LGCR), and probably less than 100 golf there regularly. Forcing every "Golf" Member to pay $80 per month means a few things:

1) The 300 "Golf" Members who have NEVER been to LGCR will each be paying $480 for the next 6 months for NOTHING. The 100 or so members that golf there once or twice a year contributes another $48,000 over the next 6 months.

2) If this is indeed the way our "Golf" Membership fees have been distributed up to now (i.e. Of the $125 per month, $80 goes to LGCR and $45 goes to TLFC), then there is something wrong. This means that - every year - the 500 "Golf" Members send $480,000 to Malaysia (500 X $80 X 12). That's almost half a million dollars.

So we don't get it. Please help us understand:

- From the owner's perspective, why are they throwing money away into a business (LGCR) that can not sustain itself? LGCR is not as convenient as other Johor courses and will have problems staying open without TLFC cash. Cash for which they are not delivering any service since most of the Golf Members do not go there. Why don't they keep the $480,000 in Singapore and use half of it to upkeep and improve TLFC and pocket the other half as profit? You mentioned last night you are not keeping Legends Gardens because it does not make money. So what about the golf club relationship?

- Why are Singapore-based owners and members subsidizing a Malaysian white elephant?

If there is a contract between LGCR and TLFC stating that the monthly fees from "Golf" Members be distributed this way, then perhaps we can help. You mentioned that "Golf" Members can convert to "Social" Members. What if we get 300-400 Golf Members to convert to Social Members en-mass (at the same time)?

We all use The Legends Fort Canning as a "Town Club" in any case; this is what the renovated club is trying to position itself if I understand correctly. Converting en-mass would:

a) Save us 300-400 "Golf Members" collectively $144,000 to $192,000 in the next 6 months, and

b) After the club reopens, The Legends Fort Canning can keep the $32,000 per month ($80 X 400 members) to use on its own facilities and services. Or better yet, reduce monthly membership fees for ALL members.

Can you speak to the owners and come back to us? Please reply to everyone on the CC list. We are actively reaching out to other members who are in the same predicament as we are. This open letter is posted at a new site: http://legendsfortcanning.blogspot.com.

Best Regards,

Joe Nguyen

P.S. To members on this CC list, please forward this to as many other members as possible.


Anonymous said...

I feel with the new facility up, memebers are being pushed to a smaller area away from the actual conservation building which I like about. No doubt there is a lounge for members at the new facility but the feel will be different as we like the warm of the service staff at the Cafe. There is no Cafe or Restuarants in the new facility. We need to walk to the 'Public' area to enjoy the facility and the warm of the staff. Even if the management said that the member's lounge do cater food, but the food all comes from the Cafe, right? So in short the new Members facility is like a 'Glass Cage' built with a Gym, Spa, sitting lounge and a pool. Honestly, I am sure no body will stay long at the Members Lounge. Members will still move back and stay and stick around at the usual sitting lounge or so called lobby in the Conservation building where we are so comfortable with.

Do you all agree?

Play grounds within the facility is very important. With this play area, members can actually relax in comfort and security that the kids are inside the facility and playing safely. I cannot imagine parents can enjoy themselves with the kids running outside the facility in the Park. What if they get lost? What if they meet strangers whom we are not sure they are of good intention? Thus having a safe, fun and play ground within the Club facility is important.

Anonymous said...

I Agree! Maybe they could build water features play ground at the pool. That would be great!

Also, I really hope they can do up the Bath/Changing rooms. The exisiting ones are really poorly ventilated, water choking all the time and insufficien of aircon.
The changing area should be wider and more hair dryers. Especially in the mornings. The aircon is not strong enough to make the chaning room cool so that when members are dressing up or applying their make-up, they do not sweat thru it and feel they need to take another shower. Poor aircon and ventilation!!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that members are being pushed to a smaller area. In fact, the present building makes me feel warm and cozy, just like my own home. But with the new building, I feel myself like a "prisioner" being caged up in that little building that is cramped with members facilities (it take that whole current building to house the present facilities). I am sure members join the club coze of the peace and homely feel...

I personally feel that instead of building new building, I think they should build new management team. Eversince the staff turnover rate increases, and being replaced by "not so friendly" staffs, I began to feel the loss of bonding between the members and the staffs...and I consider that is the great loss!

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